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Max Patch Engagement Photos by Erin Morrison Photography

Casual Max Patch Engagement Photos

It was his idea. On the car ride over to Max Patch for engagement photos, Liz told me that it was Michael’s idea to drive to this epic spot. “I just thought it would be the perfect place,” he said. And he is right. There are not many engagement session locations that compare to Max Patch. Located in the Pisgah National Forest, Max Patch has panoramic views of the Great Smoky Mountains and the Balsam Mountains. With a 20-minute walk from the parking lot, it’s easy to get to.

But, this trip wasn’t “easy” for Liz and Michael. This lovely couple is from Nashville, and made the round trip from Nashville to Max Patch and back all in one day! Talk about some driving! But, as you can see from their Max Patch engagement photos, it was well worth the trip. I will be adventuring back out to North Carolina to hang out with these babes. They are getting married at one of my favorite mountain wedding venues, The Vineyards at Betty’s Creek!

The Weather at Max Patch

Believe it or not, I’ve never photographed a “sunset” at Max Patch. The clouds always seem to follow me when I adventure to these mountains. It’s so unpredictable! However, the weather on Max Patch tends to not be as severe as higher peaks nearby. If you are interested in adventuring there, look up the weather for Waynesville, North Carolina. Then, subtract 5 to 10 degrees. In the winter months, get ready for clouds and snow. If you want to SEE the best view of current conditions at Max Patch, view the Purchase Knob webcam. Purchase Knob is only about 15 miles southwest of Max Patch and about the same elevation.

East Tennessee Photographer

I make my bed in Knoxville, but I love to travel around the East Tennesse area. You will see me in The Great Smoky Mountain National Park all the time! I have a Commercial Use Authorization to photograph in this great natural wonder. I also love to travel to many parts of East Tennessee and the western area of North Carolina. Mainly, I travel to Max Patch Mountain and Pisgah National Forest. If you are interested in adventuring with me, please contact me and let’s get something on the calendar!

girl and boy holding hands on mountain top
man and woman hugging on mountain top
man hugging woman in field with mountains in the background
man and woman holding hands and walking on mountain top
man and woman walking in field on mountain top
man and woman standing in field on Max Patch Mountain
man and woman hugging and kissing on mountain top
Casual Max Patch Mountain Engagement Photos
Boy and girl standing in field on Max Patch
man and woman standing in field on top of Max Patch
Max Patch Engagement Photos
boy hugging girl with blanket on Max Patch
boy and girl hugging in blanket
boy and girl walking and kissing on top of mountain
man and woman walking and kissing on top of Max Patch
man carrying woman on top of mountain
boy and girl sitting in field
man lifting woman on top of Max Patch Mountain
boy and girl walking and laughing on top of Max Patch
Max Patch Engagement Photos
boy and girl hugging and jumping on top of mountain
Max Patch engagement photos
boy and girl walking field on Max Patch
man and woman kissing in field on Max Patch Mountain
Max Patch Mountain in North Carolina
Casual Max Patch Engagement Photos


Natural light + honest photographer for ALL humans.


Knoxville, Tennessee



Office Hours: M-F 8am-5pm | S-S 12pm-5pm

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